BAFTSS 8th Annual Conference 2020
Postgraduate Research Poster Showcase
The Shortlist
Update: Voting has now closed. You can view the results here.
Announcing the shortlist of the Research Posters submitted by the BAFTSS Postgraduate Researchers for the BAFTSS Annual Conference ‘Rethinking Screen Cultures’ that were to be displayed at the University of St Andrews 16th – 18th April 2020. Although we regret that conference is unable to proceed due to the international impact of the covid-19 virus, we have been able to move the Postgraduate Research Poster Showcase 2020 online.
The BAFTSS Executive Committee and conference organisers extend their thanks to the brilliant PGR Researchers who submitted poster presentations for the conference and particularly to the authors of the final 8 shortlisted research posters, which can be viewed on the BAFTSS website.
BAFTSS Members and conference 2020 delegates are invited to vote for the Postgraduate Research Poster that they consider most successful. Please vote in support of your selected poster no later than Monday 13th April 2020.
The author of the Research Poster that receives the most votes will be awarded the £100 prize. The winner will be announced before the end of April 2020.
Note: We are asking that each BAFTSS member and Conference 2020 delegate only vote once. If you would like to know more about the BAFTSS Postgraduate Research Poster Showcase then the CFP is available on the BAFTSS PGR Pages. Any questions, please contact Liz Watkins e.i.watkins@leeds.ac.uk
The Final 8 Shortlisted Researcher Posters: